Lampe Berger Knowledge

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Introduction to Lampe Berger

A) Parts Of Lampe Berger

1) Formulated Essential Oil
Contains various plant essential oils (for aromatherapy) and ozoalcool

2) Catalytic Burner (Patented)
The catalytic burner has the special ability to maintain a temperature of 60oC at its core and 350oC – 550oC at the outer ring.
This is to ensure maximum therapeutic effect of the essential oils and the production of anions by the catalytic combustion of ozoalcool.

3) The diffuser:
a) Aesthetic: An exquisite and exclusive piece of art crafted and designed by renowned artists.
b) A collector’s item; as some of the diffusers are limited editions.
c) Very portable
d) Durable
e) Affordable

B) Functions Of Lampe Berger

1. Ionizer (O2-)

a) sterilises the air.
b) reduces illnesses of the respiratory tract.
c) alleviates anxiety.
d) increase work efficiency and productivity.
e) activates cell renewal and reinforces the immune system.

2. Ozonizer (O3)

a) sterilizes the air by destroying bacteria and virus.
b) deodorizes the air, destroy second-hand smoke and nicotine.
c) reinforces the immune system, improves blood circulation, stimulates the production of cytokines (your body’s natural cancer-fighting protein).

3. Aromatherapy

a) prevents and relieves asthma, sinusitis and other respiratory ailments (Eucalyptus).
b) retards the aging process (Ambre).
c) stabilizes blood pressure (Lavende, Lavendorange).
d) alleviates insomnia and severe stress (Citronelle and Lavendorange).
e) improves memory and alertness (Oceane).

4. Air Purifier
Reduces the suspended dust particles in the air. These particles often trigger asthma attacks and cause other respiratory and eye problems.

5. Pest control
Anti-acariens can destroy dust mites and Pyrethre repels insects

C) Honours/Awards
Lampe Berger has won countless awards during its 100 years history. The first one dates back to 1901 when the company was honoured with the French Invention Awards. It is also a six-time winner of the Paris Commodity Awards.

Other honours include the Lyon Superior Commodity Awards, Grenoble Commodity Awards, Decoratifs Arts Awards, Diplome D’honneur Sales Awards and Rome Commodity Awards.
Lampe Berger products are insured for up to 6 million Euros for product liability.

D) The History:
The product was introduce to hospitals in 1897 by a French Pharmacist called Maurice Berger and since then it has gradually gained acceptance by the general public because of the health benefits it can provide. Over its 100 years of history, this product has been sold in over 60 countries and well over 300 million diffusers have been sold. This is the greatest testimony to Lampe Berger because it has withstood the test of time and widespread usage. It is unlikely that there is another technological product that has withstood the test of time this long.

That’s why no matter what doubt you have about this product, about its effectiveness or about its safety, you can rest assured that it is unfounded because Lampe Berger has passed the ultimate scientific test: the test of widespread usage by mankind over a very long time.


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